Tag Archives: Caribbean

Stay away from the Forbidden Island!

There’s many reasons why it’s called the ‘forbidden’ island, and builder Cube Brick shares a few of them with this tribal encounter.

Return to Forbidden Island

It looks like the sailor barely escaped being sacrificed to whatever these guys worship. However, I’m still on the island admiring the fantastic wet and dry sand job. I love the shells and the hermit crab!

Return to Forbidden Island

Interestingly, Cube Brick combined Classic LEGO island natives with new Aztec warrior minifigures. Doing so really helps the narrative that this is a dangerous place, especially with the skeleton in the cage and the de-armed figure on the altar! Yikes!

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A sailor’s paradise

What better way to relive that perfect holiday than to recreate it in LEGO! Paul Trach has the right idea, building this stunning Dufour 520 Grand Large yacht bobbing on an azure Caribbean sea. The gradients of blue, created by layering trans-blue tiles over suitably selected black and grey plates, evoke the Antiguan paradise perfectly.

Island Time

The yacth is a beauty too, sleek and elegant, and filled with accurate nautical details. Check out its beautifully laid timber deck, splendidly precise sail and rigging, and plate thin hull. All that’s left to do is kick back and enjoy the scene.

Island Time

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