The Blacktron II Cosmic Gemini bursts the nostalgic bubble

This latest LEGO creation by builder Librarian-Bot takes us to the nostalgic sweet spot in the early 90s when fake glasses and Zupaz pants were cool- or so I thought. Looking back, it is quite possible anyone sporting fake specs, a crystal necklace, and baggy psychedelic weightlifter pants when clearly not being a weightlifter was never cool but a boy can dream, right? It’s like this creation, with its bold black-and-white color scheme and transparent bubble canopies whisks us away to a time when wanting to sex you up and being down with OPP (whatever that means) was a badge of honor. Maybe it’s time to don my Zupaz once again get out my little black book from 1991 and give a few hunnys a call. The pants had an elastic waist so fitting them onto my now paunchy frame shouldn’t be an issue at all.

Blacktron 2 Cosmic Gemini

And like my Zupaz pants, this vehicle also houses two mini-spaceships and a hidden rover.

Blacktron 2 Cosmic Gemini

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1 comment on “The Blacktron II Cosmic Gemini bursts the nostalgic bubble

  1. hntrains

    No nostalgia here – I only started to care about LEGO a few years ago (before, it mostly seemed like much ado about nothing) -, but these builds are something to consider.

    As for fashion back then… boy, were those pants an abomination! Thank goodness such trends never got to where I lived, thus sparing me the horror of seeing anyone dressed like that.
    “[…] when fake glasses and Zupaz pants were cool – or so I thought”: I like these bits sprinkled here and there in your brief, clever, reference-rich reviews. Self-deprecation is, as a matter of fact, the hallmark of a big chunk of stand-up comedy routines.

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