The name “Thunderjaw” doesn’t exactly sound cuddly...

Michał Kozłowski has built a fantastic LEGO creature from the popular Horizon video game series. I’m reminded of two things: one, what a talented builder Michał is (this looks great!). Two, how epic the creature names are in this universe. This one is called a Thunderjaw, but you’ve also got things like Deathbringers, Glinthawks, Ravagers and Corrupters. You’re not going to pick a fight with any of those! Well, OK, you might. That is kind of the point of the game, I gather. But if you get hurt, you can’t say the mechabiologists who named them didn’t try to warn you.

Thunderjaw MOC by Edge of Bricks

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2 comments on “The name “Thunderjaw” doesn’t exactly sound cuddly...

  1. Luna

    I love this – excellent rendition! These games are some of my absolute favorites, and the officiel LEGO Tallneck sorely needs a companion piece by now. Something just like this would great! Or maybe a Sawtooth, or a Tremortusk, or a Slaughterspine, or a Slitherfang, or a Tideripper, or…

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