The bats on the bus go round and round

If any version of the Batman was going to drive a modified VW bus, it was going to be the 1960’s Adam West incarnation. 1saac W. has created the ultimate hybrid with this Bat Bus – a tricked out version of one of 1saac’s other great automotive recreations, the Volkswagen T1 Westfalla. (Westfalla. Get it?) This model uses stickers and some parts from the 76188 Classic Batmobile set to great effect – Bats is ready to hit the road in style.

The Bat Bus

From the back, you can see the great detailing in the exposed engine, as well as the jet exhaust and bat-cutes. The red Ninjago blade elements make for sweet tail-fins, a technique that 1saac credits fellow builder Lucas for. (Lucas’ Flickr seems to be gone now, sadly.)

The Bat Bus

The great thing about the Batmobile is how many different versions LEGO builders have come up with. Which is your favorite?