From the release of Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker to the premiere of the first live-action TV series, The Mandalorian, on the Disney+ streaming service, Star Wars fans have a lot to be excited about. For video gamers, there was one more event that made 2019 the year of Star Wars, and that was the highly anticipated Jedi: Fallen Order, which put players in the role of a Jedi Padawan in hiding since the tragedy of Order 66. But one of the best new characters introduced is the pet-sized BD-1. The adorable little companion droid who helps the player with health stims, slicing Imperial tech, and scanning ancient ruins for valuable data. Now you can build your own LEGO BD-1 with instructions by hachiroku24. Unfortunately, you will need to collect a lot of extra parts to unlock all the customization color schemes from the game.