New Elementary LEGO typography competition results [News]

Back in May we told you about the LEGO typography competition taking place over on the LEGO-elements-and-colours-obsessed blog New Elementary. Over 100 creative and ingenious font designs were submitted, making the judges’ job really tough. The final three winners can be seen below, but it’s worth seeing the lot!

Eduardo Moreira (Brazil):

Li Li (USA)

Lego Gothic font

Jeffrey Kong, Artisan Bricks (Singapore):

Honoured to be one of three first prize winners of @newelementary's Lettering #Contest, where the challenge is to create the words "LEGO #DNA" using the new LEGO tiles. To me, this medium is all about inspiring people to learn and create with their hands,

You can read more about the entries and the judging process over on New Elementary.

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