Here’s the lineup of City sets for the first wave of 2017. Police are a surefire seller for the City theme, so it’s no surprise that the first wave revealed focuses exclusively on law enforcement. 2017 will bring everything from ATVs to helicopters to mobile command centers for the world’s most crime-ridden city. We don’t have the prices yet, but it won’t be too hard to guess from the part counts. Check out all 8 sets below.
60143 Auto Transport Heist, 403 pieces

60135 ATV Arrest, 47 pieces
60136 Police Starter Set, 80 pieces
60137 Tow Truck Trouble, 144 pieces
60138 High-speed Chase, 294 pieces
60139 Mobile Command Center, 374 pieces
60140 Bulldozer Break-in, 561 pieces
60141 Police Station, 894 pieces
Via Hothbricks.