From flickr user RedCoKid comes this roaring art-deco Skyscraper. I usually find LEGO towers pretty dull, but that’s because all too often they’re little more than just stacked windows and basic bricks. This beauty, though, has classic style. And if I make it out correctly, the elevators are powered and actually move, too.
Back when the style of buildings had a beauty about them not the current stark, soulless functionality that is all too common.
I didn’t realize it until recently, but I LOVE this art-deco look. The use of color and parts use in this is outstanding. True work of art.
Looks like it was inspired by the Carbide & Carbon building.
Ya, I love art-deco designs as well. They always look so swanky. I’m a big fan of the look of the Bioshock games, though sadly I’ve never found them particularly fun to play.
Lego should redo their entire City line in an art deco theme like this. Brilliant!