LEGO StarCraft Terran battlecruiser

Brickshelf user vana treats us to an amazingly designed and photographed UCS scale Terran battlecuiser from the game StarCraft. The traditional greebles on studs technique prevails once again, making the model extra detailed.

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11 comments on “LEGO StarCraft Terran battlecruiser

  1. Curtis

    Lots of wow, It’s beautiful. I would have made it a little smoother in some areas, less greebling and more plating, but it’s fantastic, and by far the best Starcraft MOC out there.

    I love the Factory, Barracks and SCV also. What is that other small object though, is it a Marine? I hope we can get more pictures of those smaller MOCs.

  2. strider_mt2k

    Battlecruiser inspirational!

    I can only stand, watch in awe, and try to learn from the incredible modelers on this site.

    -and so many spaceships! (My favorite subject in Lego)


  3. LiiBot

    That is a great work of dedication…i cant wait to see an Terran army of siege tanks, goliaths, medics, buildings and a whole host of other units and buildings…nice work…dreams do come true lol

  4. Dunn

    One word….err…acronym… ZOMFG. even the svc, barracks, and factory are so realistic. I am impressed. If this was ever sold, I bet that’d cost even more then the most realistic scale star wars model. 6 thumbs up. XD

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