A prolific name in the realm of LEGO mecha is Lu Sim. His mecha present functional articulation, compact cockpits and a ton of character. Each one holds its own in originality and portrays a definite omnipresence. Lu’s latest titled “AL-SPSS-N9 Spessar” is an excellent example. Supported by a predominantly black and dark bluish grey frame, the encasing armour has been completed in a brilliant use of trans-neon/trans orange elements.
Tag Archives: Lu Sim
Mighty mech strikes fear in the hearts of its enemies
In recent weeks we have seen quite a few worthy LEGO mechs, almost as if creators around the world have received special orders (or inspiration) to focus their creativity towards building a mecha horde to fight a common foe. This armed and armored mech by Lu Sim is one of my favorites. Built using mostly light gray, it looks grounded in modern technology, particularly the shield, with its small window looking right out of Call of Duty.
Another thoughtful design is the missile racks on each shoulder, complete with access panels that close, to conceal this extra armament. From the back, we see an ammo feed for the Gatling gun, and a number of thruster jets to help this bad boy gain the higher ground.
Candy-colored weapon of mass destrucion
Well, let’s face it: the citizens of Heartlake City must be hiding something. A city full of happy minidolls swarming around cafés, parks and shops has always seemed to me to be extremely suspicious. Now, The LEGO Movie 2 brought us a completely different perspective on amiable minidolls – General Mayhem, who’s been attacking the movie’s protagonists from the very first sight. Lu Sim looks inside the General’s warlike character and brings this stunning ARMT-H08SM Havoc — a mech that would suit Mayhem just fine. Azure and pink accents look very sharp on the mech’s white body, while missiles made with round pieces with 4 petals is a perfect choice of weapon.