Tag Archives: Legokinsfolk

The Horde of the Undead Centaur!

I was amused by Danny Rice’s recent undead chocobo, and I’m no less entertained by Legokinsfolk’s skeleton centaur:

(Legokinsfolk has posted various versions of this centaur, including a king, wizard, and soldier, so be sure to click the image to view the full gallery on Brickshelf.)

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Tomb Raider: The LEGO Revelation

Brickshelf user Legokinsfolk (featured several times over on PPB) recently posted a Lara Croft minifig that uses Moko’s leg design and a rubber-band bikini design I’ve seen several other builders use. Together, they make an immediately recognizable Lara:

And since I never posted my own Lara Croft minifig here on DB, here she is:

Lara Croft

Mini 7344 by Legokinsfolk

I noted recently that LEGO vehicles have traditionally been tiny, with the exception of the recent construction equipment. Brickshelf user Legokinsfolk goes in the opposite direction with an adorable mini version of set 7344 Dump Truck:


Side-by-side with the big, official version:

Kwun Yam Temple

Taking another break from our usual Japanese fare, Brickshelf user Legokinsfolk presents Kwun Yam Temple. Here’s what Legokinsfolk has to say:

There is the Goddess of Mercy in the Kwun Yam Temple. The Goddess of Mercy has power to assume any shape to save those in distress. She is one of the most popular buddhas for her kindness among Chinese people.

An overview of the temple:

And my personal favorite, Kwun Yam herself: