Tag Archives: Ford

Ford GT Le Mans by Arvo

The Arvo Brothers present their latest LEGO vehicle, a Ford GT Le Mans.

LEGO Ford GT Le Mans

It’s always hard to find only one thing to like about an Arvo creation, so beyond the obvious shapeliness of the car as a whole, I hereby pick the funky orange spiky bits in the wheels.

Thanks for the tip, Evo!

Ford Shelby Cobra concept car

Speaking of minifig-scale vehicles, Sterling Knight built this LEGO version of the Shelby Cobra concept car from Ford.

The intake on the hood and the grill on the front include some interesting techniques, and the interior is also fully detailed.

1912 Ford Model T

edulyoung has built an incredibly detailed Model T. I think my favorite detail is the tires. Awesome.

Arvo’s Ford GT40

One word: Arvo. Need we say more?