Tag Archives: DW Studios

X-treme makeover, X-wing edition

Over 25 years of LEGO Star Wars, we’ve seen at least 10 different Tie Fighter variants but the beloved X-wing has only ever come in two flavors: your classic T-65, or the modestly upgraded Resistance era T-70. True, the “good guys” have a veritable alphabet of other craft, but surely the flagship fighter deserved a bit more variety? Builder Don Wilson imagines a New Republic-era fighter that takes a bolder approach to upgrading the X-wing design. Based on a fan design from Corellian Customs, the “Thumper” Heavy Artillery X-wing trades curves for sharper angles and muscle car power.

'Thumper' Heavy Artillery X-Wing

Click to lock S-Foils in closed position and see more of this sleek fighter!

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