Space LEGO creations aren’t my area of expertise at all, but Tommy Frost’s latest creations for the Febrovery rover challenge have been catching my eye. I am not a pro when it comes to building vehicles or space crafts, so it is hard for me to properly compliment Frost’s amazing builds, but I do know that they have a really vintage feeling to them that perfectly matches the figures who drive them.
What truly caught my eye is the cute little brick-built creatures surrounding and driving all the great vehicles. The ones in the vehicle above use minifigure armour for the faces of the aliens. The backs of the armour have studs to which the printed eye tiles are connected. They are placed upside down on the neck of the torso of the minifigure. But the best thing about this creation is that it is called “B is for buddy” which means Frost is doing an alphabet within this theme for Febrovery, and I can’t wait for the rest. Check out all the ones finished so far in Frost’s album.