Tag Archives: brickbink

Even LEGO cars need a tune up from time to time

In addition to his LEGO-fied versions of the il Duomo di Milano, the mosque of Al-Zaytuna in Tunis, and the busy streets of Amsterdam, the LEGO architectural-wizard, brickbink is adding a humble mechanic’s garage. That’s right, a garage. And it is spectacular!

le garage

The simple design of the building, roof, and the two styles of lettering on the facade are perfect. Brickbink also filled the interior of his building with mechanic goodies including various tools, car parts, jacks, toolboxes, and even a tiny fire extinguisher. And the placement of all these items makes the garage look truly authentic. Perhaps the only thing missing is a few oil spots on the floor.

le garage

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Italy’s il Duomo di Milano

Sometimes great things take time to create, as is the case with the Milan Cathedral. Construction began in 1386, with the final details (a gate) being completed in 1965. Renovations on the magnificent building continue even today. Hopefully brickbink‘s version did not take six centuries.

This inspired version is recognizable as the famous landmark, with its beautiful doors and statues. The only thing missing is an exorbitant amount of pigeons.

the cathedral

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The unrivaled beauty of Islamic architecture in LEGO

I can’t believe it’s been more than six years since we’ve blogged a LEGO mosque. The intricate, geometric designs of Islamic architecture all over the the world — from Córdoba to Jakarta — would seem to lend itself particularly well to LEGO. This wonderful structure by brickbink represents a section of a mosque, with a minaret in which the muezzin is calling a diverse group of people to worship.

The mosque

Only a handful in the past ten years? It seems to me like the world needs more LEGO mosques.

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Going Dutch

Some great Dutch architecture modelling here from Brickbink. This scene is a near-perfect recreation of an Amsterdam street; all it needs is a canal and it would be spot-on.


The color blocking of the buildings and the windows are excellent, and the brickwork around the gable-end roofs really catches the eye. As ever though, it’s the details which make a model pop, and there’s a feast of them on display here. The piano lifters are the obvious stars of the show, but I love the little basement windows at street level, and the crate of bric-a-brac is a nice touch. I’m assuming the build is set around Konigsdag – “King’s Day” – when the Dutch sell their second-hand goods out in the street in front of their homes.

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