Tag Archives: Andrew Summersgill

The 83rd Doctor hasn’t a clue

Andrew Summersgill (Doctor Sinister) presents a potential future for the Doctor Who series. The 83rd Doctor (from series 340-343 aired between 2336 and 2339) doesn’t have quite the same heroic qualities as the first 82 Doctors…

LEGO Doctor Who

Click the pic to read Andrew’s hilarious description.

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In case of LEGO emergency, break glass

Have you ever broken a fingernail trying to pull two LEGO bricks apart? Ever resorted to a butter knife? Teeth? What you needed was a Brick Separator.

For all those building emergencies, Andrew Summersgill (Doctor Sinister) has the solution:

Not coincidentally, Andrew is also running for chairman of The Brickish Association. Here’s a campaign poster that perfectly sums up my own approach to LEGO — FUN is not a four-letter word!

Hey Andrew, I’ll be expecting that wire transfer for £19,999,999.99 into my offshore account any day now…

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Doctor Sinister’s daughter insists on Aladdin and the Lamp

And what Doctor Sinister‘s daughter wants, Doctor Sinister‘s daughter gets:

That genie is genius. If you had three LEGO wishes, what would you wish for?

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