The next installment in the Jurassic World franchise, Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, will release in a little under a week. To partner the release of the show, LEGO has dedicated a handful of sets to the animated show, which can only mean one thing: new dinosaurs! The flagship set of this mini-wave is 76966 Dinosaur Missions Allosaurus Transport Truck, whose 588 pieces include – you guessed it – an all-new Allosaurus. Retailing for US $89.99 | CAN $119.99 | UK £79.99 and releasing on August 1st in North America (or June 1st in Europe, Australia and other global territories), should you summon up the courage to face this fearsome predator? Read our review to find out!
The LEGO Group provided The Brothers Brick with an early copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews.
Read up on the Allosaurus and its brick-built lunch(?) below