We’ve got a highly detailed TIE fighter on our scopes...

Not long ago, we featured Joel Short‘s screen-accurate LEGO X-wing. As great a replica as it was, it had nobody to chase it around. Enter Joel’s latest creation (well, actually an update of an old creation, but it’s a great update): the legendary TIE fighter. I don’t know if you can hear a picture, but I look at it and hear a TIE’s distinctive roar.

TIE Fighter Update

Here’s a rear view, where you can see the titular twin ion engines, the exhaust port, and some serious greebling.

TIE Fighter Lighting - Rear

Thanks to some effective lighting, the interior really shines, too. (Get it? Sorry.) And even though my heart hurts a little to see those 1×1 side clip plates stressed like that (on either side of the cockpit), I have to admire Joel’s commitment to getting the angles right.

TIE Fighter Update

Speaking of angles, We’ll finish with a view of the wings, where Joel took the existing print and built some insane details around it. TIE solar panels are tough to get right in LEGO. Some of the more simplistic official sets don’t even bother to get the cross-beams right. But Joel gets it.

TIE Fighter Wing

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