I love Aidan Hayward‘s wild creature builds. This latest one is called Astel Naturalborn of the Void, and it’s… Er… Well, what is it? Other than a badass all-powerful cosmic deity, of course. That much is evident from the rings, stars and gas clouds emanating from its body. But otherwise, it could be part-scorpion, part-dragonfly, part-snake, even part-Medusa. We use the world other-worldly a lot when discussing Aidan’s creations (which we do a lot). But nowhere is that description more apt than here!
This is a boss from the game Elden Ring, and a very good rendition at that!
This creature is both annoying and disgusting. I would not be able to build anything like this without feeling sick. Kudos to Aidan Hayward if he did not puke. His skill also calls for an accolade.