This LEGO duo of Bebop and Rocksteady, maybe the most iconic henchmen pair in the history of villainy, are ready to trounce some turtles, courtesy of builders Maxx Davidson and Áron Gerencsér. Maxx’s Bebop perfectly captures the horrible hog’s sense of style. The unmistakable mohawk and glasses cap off a perfectly shaped boar’s head that makes fun use of a minifig pretzel as the nose. And Áron’s Rocksteady brings the reprehensible rhino to life with dismembered minifigure arms to help shape his brow, repurposed Koopa shells as Rocksteady’s turtle trophies, and some cleverly connected vehicle mudguards to form the upper legs. The complete effect is a pair of brutes I wouldn’t want to run into in a dark New York alleyway, even if I did have ninja training.
They actually seem to be nice old chaps to me. The kind we encounter in some stories, all talk and noise, but, in truth, great as babysitters.