Do you hear that, readers? That’s the sound of Christmas getting ever closer! And what better way to count down toward the big day with day 10 of TBB’s LEGO advent calendar roundup? That’s just what we’re doing, so why not join us as we open up the City, Friends, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Marvel calendars on offer this year?
As ever, our intrepid TBB team is on hand with witty comments, insightful observations, and bad jokes for each day’s builds. And of course, you can add your own thoughts in the comments section each day! So without further ado, let’s crack open the build for day 10…
It definitely seems like a pet show is the theme of the Friends calendar, as we get a see-saw obstacle today. The LEGO Citizens have a fireplace to keep themselves warm by.
The lesser-spotted Hailfire droid makes an appearance in the Star Wars calendar. Not content to let Tony Stark be the only flying Avenger in this year’s calendar, Captain America lands a jetpack on day 10. In Harry Potter, it’s a snow-covered tree.
Bart: Harry Potter advents always come with loads of Christmas trees. Here we have the first one! Will there be more?!
Lino: Is that a Christmas tree or a rocket? Because if you squint they’re one and the same.
Kyle: That Hailfire Droid from the Star Wars calendar is the best thing I’ve seen so far this 2023 advent! A big win for them, in my opinion.
Ben: The prequel vehicles have great silhouettes and the Hailfire droid is a great build. The fireplace is nice but I think the Hailfire may be the best of days 1 through 10 for me.
As Kyle suggested a few days ago, Friends really seem to be leaning into this whole petting zoo thing. Autumn seems a bit mystified by Omega’s choice of pet though.
< 2023 LEGO advent calendars day 9 | 2023 LEGO advent calendars day 11 >