Charcuterie is like Lunchables for grownups

When I first moved to the West Coast, I learned about the joys of a charcuterie board. It can be impromptu, served with an array of cheese, crackers, meats, bread, and fruits. Extra awesome kudos points are added if there is also wine involved. This pretty much became my all-time favorite meal and I wondered how I was deprived of this classy goodness for like thirty years. That’s why I was particularly thrilled to see this yummy LEGO cheese platter buit by Cecilie Fritzvold. The grapes look especially tasty. I’ve learned just now that writing a TBB article for such a delicious-looking creation while also on an empty stomach is a bit counterproductive. Time to raid the fridge! While I do that, please check out other mouth-watering food creations by other builders with a pinache for culinary delights.

Say cheeeese

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