Some LEGO builds inspire moments of quiet contemplation. This elegant inked fan by Dad’s Bricks evokes that feeling for me. The life-sized shaping is excellent, and the delicate line work created by rods and slightly curved tubing offsets the the bright red of the flowers. Take a closer look and you can spot 1×1 heart tiles in pink, creating a tiny clovers of brightness to contrast to the rich colors. The pen, stand, and brush are almost afterthoughts – but they blend seamlessly into the full image and add real-world context to this piece of art.
Be sure to check our archives for even more artistic expressions in plastic.
It is evocative of a time gone by, when rich women and prostitutes could indulge themselves in moments of physical inactivity and plotting. Nicely done in LEGO bricks and parts, the build looks as best as any such type of build can.