Mando’s Naboo hotrod has a lot of engine for a little ship

As The Book of Boba Fett continues to shell out the hits, it’s also managing to throw us all for a loop. Dank Farrik, has it been fun! Chapter 5 had plenty of LEGO fans excited for the Razor Crest’s replacement and it was exactly the inspiration that fellow TBB contributor Mansur Soeleman needed to bust out a quick ship. Not one to take all the credit, he’ll have you know that his version of the Mandalorian’s new N-1 Starfighter is “a severe de-modification” of his dear friend Tom Loftus’ original yellow and grey model, which the curious can find images of only on Brick Vault. It just happened to be sitting on his desk while he watched the episode so it was a natural process. While the bones are there, I’d say Mansur’s efforts moved this far from the original. After all, there are only so many ways to skin a Womp rat. Known by most as Lamborghiniwafflesauce, or Waffles, he’s somewhat of a Greeble King amongst the LEGO fan base. Employing these skills, he opened up the design to show off the interior of the two modded J-type engines, along with the additional rear engine added by Peli Motto.

"Dank Farrik she's fast!"

Mando’s Jawa-new starfighter is packed with muscle and is certainly faster than a fathier, as Peli promised. I love the detailed structure of technic pins and bar hinges connecting the engines to the modified new guns. The long, beefed-up blasters make this feel almost like a fighter plane from the early 20th century. Given that Lucas wanted the prequels to equate to the ’30s and ’40s of our timeline, the whole design makes a lot of parallels to those dogfighting airplanes of the era. Waffles used a blend of Loftus’ engine design and LEGO’s original N-1 to achieve the snub-nosed look with printed discs working as intake manifolds. The clear dome behind the cockpit sits where the astromech socket usually would but Mando’s aversion to droids left a possible place for Grogu to safely join him one day.

"Dank Farrik she's fast!"

If Disney keeps this up, they’re certain to hold on to fans’ attention. The stacked references being thrown at us are gearing us all up for a grand finale for The Book of Boba Fett and an epic season of The Mandalorian. Despite his many jokes on Twitter, Mansur surely has a love for Star Wars that will always resurface at the right moment. And with a little help from his friends, it becomes even more possible.

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