A road warrior from Australia

I honestly have no idea why Vladimir Drozd decides to decorate his latest Mack truck with a Greek warrior’s helmet, but I find it hilarious. For me, this little touch gives the vehicle some great character and helps to draw attention from the truck’s suspiciously clean look. The thing is, I just don’t believe Australian trucks this neat exist. Weathering is never easy when building with LEGO, but a couple of patches of dust and sand here and there could really elevate the model’s look.

Apart from the look that is a bit too plain, the truck is fantastic on the scale. The shaping of the front makes the Mack instantly recognizable, and the fuel tank is a perfect choice of an add-on.

1 comment on “A road warrior from Australia

  1. Russell Chapman

    Actually, Australian truck drivers are obsessive about the appearance of their trucks. Sometimes the glare of reflected sunshine is uncomfortable.
    The snorkel is accurate (to be above the dust) but the exhaust is a bit odd. excellent work over all.

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