The most stylish furniture on the block

The designer Rena Dumas apparently applied the same rigour and standards to every project she tackled, from coffee cups through to luxury apartment stores. LEGO builder Deborah Higdon has adopted the same approach in her recreation of two of Dumas’ furniture designs — just take a look at the intricate brickwork involved in these two pieces…

LEGO furniture

These are lovely models, precisely recreating the style of the original designs…

Deborah has been on a roll with the furniture recently.

I particularly liked her chairs and table with their retro styling and colourways. They’d be right at home in the kitchenette of a 70s sitcom house (or in the latest cool cocktail bar in London — 70s retro is VERY “in” at the moment in that world).

2021 - lego dinette set

And sticking with the groovy retro vibe, don’t miss Deborah’s gloriously colourful pieces of poolside furniture. I can just imagine lounging in the sun on one of these bad boys, a Mai Tai in hand, watching the light bounce off the azure waters of the pool…

2021 - lego foam poolside furniture