LEGO bricks are known to be extremely durable and it takes a rough magnitude of 4,240 newtons (950 pounds) to crush a single 2×2 brick based on tests by The Open University’s engineering department. The Hydraulic Press Channel, is known for crushing all sorts of things with a hydraulic press, and more recently, turning them into donuts. Their latest attempt is to experiment with LEGO bricks.
Before pouring the bricks into the press, the creator of the video says “Everybody’s feet know that these are the hardest material in the world”. He states that he thinks it will work well, while his wife thinks everything will be stuck. It turns out they are both correct.
The attempt is successful, but the LEGO donut does get stuck to the press. It is removed using a chisel, and the donut is ready for display. The end result is beautiful yet kind of heart-breaking.
Do nut approve…