We all know that LEGO has a knack for providing instructions for complex and amazing builds, and it’s only inevitable that they branch out in a new direction. It’s high time for LEGO to include instructions for our daily life activities. Over the past couple of weeks, the LEGO social media team has been releasing these life instruction guides that depict everyday activities, especially things that we can relate to over the period of time where the world is keeping many of us indoors.
While it’s pointless for us to describe (or dare I say, review?) as these instruction guides are self-sufficient — just like the real LEGO instruction books, which don’t have any words — we’re just going to do it, because they’re so good.
Life Scenario 1: Working from home
The first in the series is my favourite. It came with the phrase “The build instructions you never knew you needed – how to work from home and be awesome.” It depicts you, getting a cup of coffee, stacking a couple of books underneath the laptop computer to provide the height needed to get a healthy sitting position where the eye level of your screen should be positioned. While I’m not entirely sure why you’d need a photo of your boss on your desk, the idea of turning it away from your sight is certainly the right move indeed. The cat will naturally do whatever it wants to, climb over and wherever it pleases, and the best part is once the computer is turned on, you need to bring out your controller and have a game of pong (instead of working).
Life Scenario 2: Caring for your pet cat
The second installment goes “Here it is…the LEGO guide to being a cat owner” and starts with a box of fancy parts, which you obviously had to purchase from an online retailer, and your task is to put it all together. Knowing cats, yes, they like heights so, it depicts 3 tiers for countless adventures. Once that’s done, accessories are added for more fun, and also a nice kitty meal to go with. And when you’re done, you realise that all the cat wanted was the empty box and your new task is to sell off what you just built. We’ll need cat owners to verify this one, but I think it’s pretty much spot on.
Life Scenario 3: Cooking at home
The latest feature goes “Cooking today? Here’s the missing instructions from your cookbook”. We have you placing pasta into a pot, adding the delicious ingredients, meatballs and the sauce, and simply ruining it by overcooking and it goes up in flames, and you end up ordering pizza on your mobile device to save the day.
Great work!
Whoever created these and the idea behind them, three thumbs up! If you (or your team) is reading this – do reach out to us, we’d be ecstatic to hear from you! It’s entertaining, it’s leveraging the theme that’s familiar to anyone who’s been exposed to LEGO, parts and minifigures that we all can relate to. Simple, yet extremely effective and fun. Kudos! We’re so excited and hope to see more of this as a start of what’s more to come.
These would make some great polybags
Dag, that Stove Switch piece hasn’t been produced since 1979… That’s some heavy retro reference…
It’s important to note exactly _what_ the cat is doing in the first model. It has just slain, and is now playing with, the computer mouse.
As for the cat-scape, it really depends on the cat. I adopted a half-feral cat when I was young. This cat killed bushels of mice and moles, several birds (mostly robins, but a couple cardinals, and one hummingbird), a snake, and intimidated a fox enough that it wouldn’t set foot in the yard. My dad made a homemade version of this type of thing, but it had a cross-shaped perch and a large box with a cat-sized “mousehole” in the front. Pepper typically commanded the perch, unless she was _really_ antisocial at the moment, in which case she might retreat to the box. Her first kitten was Fluff. He…didn’t know how to be a cat. Pepper was not a pack sort of cat, so he usually ended up in the box unless she chased him out. And then the next two kittens, Midnight and Velcro, were just too busy scampering around to pay any attention to the catscape, plus they were really too small to climb on it unassisted when my mom decided that four cats was too many.
So basically, if your cat is dominant, they will probably take the perch where they can survey their surroundings “unobserved”. If they’re a bit lower in the pecking order, the box presents a sense of shelter and safety. And if they’re young kittens, and your carpeting has been torn up for remodeling leaving a linoleum floor in the living room, they’ll be too busy smacking into walls while they figure out how the brakes work, and they probably won’t even notice it.
@Purple Dave, excellent observation on the cat slaying the mouse. It’s something I somehow could not pick up though now it’s staring at me right in the face! Makes me love that particular one even more now.