Star Wars outpost introduces us to the dregs of the galaxy

Star Wars’ used-universe aesthetic is a trove of inspiration for minifig diorama builders like Aubrey Breelan to mine, skilled world-builders who can populate layouts with all manner of diverse ne’er-do-wells and wannabe heroes. We recently saw Coruscant’s underbelly on Level 1313, and now we’re plunked down onto a bustling street on an unnamed outpost world.

An outpost in a galaxy far far away

Troopers from the Empire and Rebellion are in close proximity with normal folk, and just as Rogue One showed us on the cusp of A New Hope a violent clash feels like it could break out at any moment. Everyone here is sure to have a story, and the builder invites you to take a closer look at the motley array of characters eking out a living.

Outpost Figbarf

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