The Brothers Brick LEGO Creation of the Year 2019 [News]

Putting together a shortlist of the finest LEGO creations of 2019 was a tough job, but narrowing it down to a single “best creation” proved an almost impossible task. Every model which made our shortlist was excellent, and there was much debate amongst the team. However, after a considerable amount of “robust discussion,” The Brothers Brick is delighted to announce the Classic Space Moon Base by Chris Yu as our LEGO Creation of the Year for 2019.

LEGO Classic Space Moon Base

We were blown away by this creation when Chris first posted his images, and then amazed all over again when we were lucky enough to see the model “in the brick” in Tokyo. The Moon Base is packed full of fun details — Classic LEGO Spacefolk working and relaxing, functional-looking greebly bits, spaceships, robots, and lighting effects. It combines modern LEGO building techniques with the nostalgic appeal of one of the best LEGO themes. We were always going to love this model.

LEGO Classic Space Moon Base

However, the icing on this particular cake is the inspired creativity of having the Moon Base pack away, transforming itself into a fine piece of LEGO Space-branded carry-on luggage…

LEGO Classic Space Moon Base

This is a fabulous model which sums up everything we believe a good LEGO creation should be — well-built, clever, imaginative, and just good fun. That’s why Chris Yu‘s LEGO Moon Base is The Brothers Brick LEGO Creation of the Year 2019.

Be sure to check out the LEGO Creation of the Year 2018, LEGO Creation of the Year 2017 and LEGO Creation of the Year 2016 to see what honourable company Chris Yu is now keeping.

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