TBB Weekly Brick Report: LEGO news roundup for November 18, 2018 [News]

In addition to the amazing LEGO models created by builders all over the world, The Brothers Brick brings you the best of LEGO news and reviews. This is our weekly Brick Report for the third week of November 2018.

TBB NEWS: Black Friday is off to an early start, and today is the last day to submit a custom design to potentially be a set made by Bricklink.

TBB REVIEWS: It is getting a little windy in here! And check out our review of an amazing jet.

TBB FEATURES: We have a new version of an old meme, plus an interview and instructions too.

OTHER NEWS: There were quite a few other interesting LEGO news articles from around the web this week. Here are the best of the rest:

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