Leibherr mobile cranes are like buses, two come along at once and you are not sure which to jump in. Thankfully we can admire both of YU KEE LIU‘s builds as these all-terrain mobile cranes are fantastic in both accuracy and build quality. The first build depicts the Liebherr LTM 1350 mobile crane and the model is capable of extending, lifting items and moving them on its rotating axis.
Yu Kee Liu has managed an impressive feat of engineering with his LEGO version as you can see from a view with the crane arm extended.
The second model depicts the 1350’s big brother, the Liebherr LTM 1750 with greater load capacity and higher hoist height. The image of the telescopic arm extended shows just how impressive this model crane build looks when functioning.
There are more views and close-ups on the builder’s Flickr page.