Ever since Star Wars: Return of the Jedi hit theaters, hovering speeder bikes have been a very popular subject with LEGO builders captivated by that high-speed chase through the forest of Endor. There’s something enchanting about slapping a big engine on a spindly, thoroughly greebled contraption and crafting the perfect mini-fig character. You can almost feel the whining vibrations in your spine. The Flickr group LSB Lego Speeder Bikes has been running a contest for the month of February called the Battle for District 18.
During the contest, builders competed in 4 categories:
- Rebels (criminals causing rampant destruction and mayhem)
- Enforcers (law enforcement tasked with bringing these rebels in)
- Abide (citizens just trying to survive the chaos)
- District 18 (a scene that represents the daily struggle in District 18)
We here at TBB have already featured a few of these models over the last month, but now that we have reached the end of this popular competition I wanted to feature a round-up of some of my personal favorites.
Best Rebel: by Tagl
Best Enforcer: by Tammo S
Best Abide: by FonsoSac
Best District 18: by Jimfowler35
Best stand: by Spac13
The best stands seem to almost disappear. This stand positioned so far to the rear of the speeder bike blends in nicely.
Best Narrative: by perig perig
Even among the chaos of the daily struggle in District 18, agriculture is an essential aspect of life.
Most Greebly: by Pico van Grootveld
Much Engines: by hmick_
Best Laugh: by aido k
This one shows the lighter side of District 18.
Best pilot: by W. Navarre
The dark blue leg and helmet matching the panels on the speeder really connect the pilot to the bike.
Best Utility: by Jme Wheeler
For me, the addition of headphones on this neat little transport/delivery pilot sells it.
Best Part Use: by Marcel V.
The use of a shark body for the fusilage is pure genius!
Best Huh? by Anthony Wilson
This one jumped out at me for its sheer randomness. Gotta love the pirate theme.