Borderlands 2 returns to Pandora LEGO style

What began as several friends having a blast leveling up together in Borderlands 2 became a fun collaborative effort to showcase the cast of characters in Borderlands 2 with bricks. Evan Bordessa, Simon Liu, Daniel Church, Caleb Wagoner, Alec Doede, Eric Leis, and myself (Nick Jensen) present a brick built trip back to Pandora in search of loot and mayhem. Originally intended to be a tribute to the playable vault hunters, the collaborative layout became more expansive, covering several other major characters and a few enemies and vehicles found on the journey to the Vault.

First, let’s take a look at the playable vault hunters. From left to right: Axton the Commando (Evan), Salvador the Gunzerker (Eric), Zer0 (Daniel), Gaige the Mechromancer and Deathtrap (Nick), Maya the Siren (Caleb), and Krieg the Psycho (Evan).

Borderlands 2: Return to Pandora, hero shot.

The full layout features additional characters, vehicles, and scenery found throughout Pandora. Bandits, Hyperion engineers, and Hyperion loaders of all types and sizes stand among characters such as Face McShooty, Mad Moxxi, Mr. Torgue, Angel, Handsome Jack, Claptrap, and Tiny Tina. A pair of Runners, vending machines printed by EclipseGrafx, loot boxes, and a New-U Respawn Station complete the Pandora feel.

Borderlands 2: Return to Pandora

Watch a brief overview of the full layout as it was at Brickworld Chicago 2016 in the following video.

Individual photos of most of the characters and scenery can be found on each builders’ Flickr photostream and in this imgur album. (Warning: Mild Language)

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