Lee Young (edguy20) brings us back down to earth with this lovely and simply titled railroad station. There are other photos that show the building in its totality but this one seemed the most cinematic and I’m all about the cinematic. There is a wealth of detail to absorb if you have a moment or two to linger on a model that doesn’t have bristling weapons or spiny protrusions.
Personally, I would love to see more such models without “bristling weapons or spiny protrusions.”
F’n A Goldman, more like this. This is a real build for real man. Not like your immature pew pew and swoosh stuff which everyone knows is the domain of the more held back of the world of adults who play with LEGO. Oh and thanks for highlighting the Porsche too.
No worries gents, I really dig this kind of posting, I just wish there were more townies posting great models. Maybe I’m not lookin’ in the right place. If you guys spot something, dont’ hesitate to shoot me a PM on flickr.
Oh and Peter, I’m sorry I forgot to reply to your comment on the mini-modern homes post. I would say about 80% of it is me, and the rest was lifted from the most pretentious frchitectural firm websites I could find.
Thanks for the comments!