
There are so many things I want to say about this, but mostly, I’m just in awe. This four-section creation by Rook just has so much gorgeous detail.

I’ll start with the obvious: the four parts interlock to create either a tower or fortress, and changes the dynamics for each mode. Then there’s the bone-tree, the “giant” chess set, and the detailing on the towers.

I can’t pick a favorite detail on this. Just take a look and see for yourself!

Thanks for the heads up, Bley Junkie!

1 comment on “Checkmate.

  1. Rook

    The Rook’s Rook features 4 quadrants with 4 tiers per each quadrant and two modes. Primary Mode is the Rook or Castle. Secondary Mode is the Tower Mode.

    Quadrant I: The Knight

    Ground level: The Club (Power Functions: Light and Movement), Wet Works, & Speeder Bike Bay
    Main Level: The Galley
    2nd Level: Detention Level& Missle Array (Power Functions: Movement)
    Spire Level: Airship Docking Level (Cruiser Class or larger in Tower Mode)

    Quadrant II: The Bishop

    Ground level: The Armory and Jump Rhyder Landing Pad (Power Functions: Light) & Speeder Bike Bay
    Main Level: The Lounge
    2nd Level: Barracks Level
    Spire Level: Gun Deck I & Security Bots

    Quadrant III: The Queen

    Ground level: The Garden (Power Functions: Light) & Speeder Bike Bay
    Main Level: Special Operations Command Center
    2nd Level: The Mistress’ Suite
    Spire Level: Queen’s Rhyder & Communications Array

    Quadrant IV: The King

    Ground level: Star Fighter Landing Pad (Power Functions: Movement), Wet Works, & Speeder Bike Bay
    Main Level: The Chapel
    2nd Level: The Master’s Suite & Missle Array (Power Functions: Movement)
    Spire Level: Gun Deck II

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