Bricks By The Bay 2011 Cybercity display


The boys at RoninLug and some friends [Andrew Lee (onosendai2600), Fradel Gonzales (Slice151), Brian Heins, Brandon Griffith (icgetaway), Paul Meissner (Legosamurai), Paul Lee (polywen), Chase Lewis ([Vid]), Tory B, Dane Erland (Lord Dane), Cole Martin (zeehelmut), Cole Blaq, Keith Goldman (Hook Monkey), Jeff Cross (Octopunk), Tommy Williamson (GeekyTom), Don Reitz (Don Solo), Jack Marquez (Ewok in Disguise)] are pretty smooth at assembling collaborative displays and this year’s Bricks by the Bay (BBTB) display doesn’t disappoint. An excellent futuristic city. And it shines too.

Heaps more pics can be found.

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