Announcing winners of the GO MINIMAN GO Photo Contest [News]

We’re very pleased (and relieved) to finally announce the winners of our GO MINIMAN GO Photo Contest!

Grand Prize goes to “The Surfer” by tiberium_blue:

Erik Smit takes himself back in time for First Prize in the 1970s category with “Me in the 1970s”:

Al Eisenbart captures the spirit of the 1980s with “Iron Maiden – World Slavery Tour Circa ’84”:

Alex Eylar keeps things musical through the 1990s with “Mid-nineties: The Rise of Indie Rock”:

“30: The Photograph” by keithcku wins First Prize in the 2000s category:

Second Prize winners:

Congratulations to all the winners! And thanks to LEGO Brand Relations for generously providing the prizes and judging. Winners, we’ll be putting you in touch with LEGO for your prizes shortly.

Thanks for your patience as we stepped through the judging process. Look for my roundup of my favorite runners-up shortly as well. ;-)

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15 comments on “Announcing winners of the GO MINIMAN GO Photo Contest [News]

  1. Nolnet

    Ha! Yesterday I sorted. And as I finally took apart the very last remaining bits of my entry I thought “did they simply forget about this or something?”
    There might be a message in there…

    Congrats to the lucky winners. Well deserved all around!

  2. Alex E. tells me “swag” doesn’t mean what I thought it meant, so Hooray, I get loot!

  3. pe668

    Way to go LEGO Brand Relations taking 3 months to pick the winners, seesh. Can we get back to calling them mini-figures now this competition is over?

    My favourites (Not just my entries) didn’t win, booo!
    But there are some real gems chosen, congrats to all the winners. Some even won more than one prize. 96 entries you’d think they would have spread the love around, booo again.

    I’m glad dabol_t won something (did he have 8 entries?) I loved his pumkin patch but it didn’t win anything. Go figure? Go mini-figure, oh don’t get me started!

  4. eti

    So I won two prizes! Incredible. I knew I was not totally without a chance but with so many great entries I really did not expect it.
    And that grand prize winner is REALLY fabulous.

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  6. Shmails

    I am honored to receive a second place spot! This was my first build coming out of my dark age, and I have been anxiously waiting to hear the results. Thanks to BB and GoMinimanGo for the contest and the prizes. Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up!

  7. Will Thomas

    Probably the best LEGO contest ever. Well played by everyone, from TBB to LEGO group, but most of all to the winners.

  8. Shmails

    Just to prove the power of TBB, the number of views of my entry jumped from 144 to 516 in a few hours after being posted for 3 months. Wow! Thanks again, and congrats to Tiberium Blue, it is one of the most creative MOCs I have ever seen!

  9. DARKspawn

    Thanks to the TBB & TLC for organising a great contest, it was a pleasure to participate (as always) and a hearty congratulations to the winners & runners-up, well played!

  10. dabol_t

    Wow! For me it’a a great surprise to have been chosen among the winners! I really think that there are a lot of more beautiful creations than mine! Everyday I see incredible MOCs anche pictures from a lot of talent people! I am really not at your level! Anyway I am really happy about this experience, because I knew a lot of great people from whom I have to learn very much about, and I thank to everybody has appreciated my pictures and to the ones that gave to me the opportunity to show my ideas! I hope one day to meet you somewhere in any Lego meeting worlwide, to spend a lot of funny times with LEGO!:-) See you!

  11. Pingback: In Holland, mermaids live under the ice | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  12. Pingback: Favorite runners-up from the GO MINIMAN GO Photo Contest | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

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