I’m a sucker for ApocaLego. Especially the lone survivor type. This little scene by Kevin Fedde is excellent. In fact, he is doing a series, based on this fig’s journal. You can keep track of the updates in Kevin’s ApocaLego folder.
My wife said I couldn’t blog this, as she likes chickens and felt sorry for the poor thing. Don’t tell her that I posted it, okay?
Skinned Chicken is awesome.
The only thing a chicken should be loved for is its tendency to be delicious! That said, love the fire and chicken remnants :D Don’t worry we won’t tell.
Dude I’m european that shifted his homecountry three times by now. I don’t need to know what you americans think about chicken :D…
I love this, although I am in the same boat as Josh. If my wife saw this she would be very upset. That said, I love the creativity displayed here!
Poor chicken!
Even the resident vegetarian (that would be me) finds this amusing.
^You too?
Rory’s finally dead!