Okay, I admit that I’m out of the loop on this one. But I’m sure someone will fill me in. These little bots were showing up everywhere at BrickCon. Then they started taking over Flickr. Now I’m helping them invade TBB. Why? I don’t even know. But this big one by Rocko is flippin’ sweet.
Edit: Since I stole Nannan’s thunder, he asked me to add the following link to the Flickr group administrated by Don Solo. Don is the originator of the epic Walter/M8 saga. All the information you need to know is in there. I learned a whole heap. Now I need to build my own….
Man, I was waiting until tonight to blog this along with other info about Walter.
Lol, they look like Wallie !
@Nannan – Sorry to steal your thunder! Go ahead and write a Walter post anyway!
I just showed this image to the M8 I built here and he’s run away to hide. Thanks guys, now it’s going to take me an hour to tempt him out from under the fridge with some cheese.
Dr. S.
That’s awesome. Was the big one built off the micro one, or vice-versa?
Micro was first. It was started by Don Solo on FBTB.
That is just plain awesome.
Strange, but awesome.
Walter wanted me to let you all know he appreciates the kind words and that he loves the epic big brother that Rocko built.
Re: the “it looks like Wall-e!” thoughts… back when I first uploaded the M8 design no pictures of Wall-e were out yet; instead people were saying it looked like Johnny 5 with no arms! He just can’t win. ;) The nickname Walter did result from the post-BrickCon pics though since everyone equates robots with nocs for eyes as Wall-e. He’s come to terms with it now.
Ohhhh… a little understanding goes a long way :)
Walter has now joined the ranks of my all time favorite bots, those including: Walter, Tom Servo, Crow T. Robot, R2D2, and Wall-e
What, no Bender?
I saw this on flickr earlier and love it. The whole M8 fad is awesome, it makes me sad I can’t build one for lack of treads in the right colour.
But… it looks like wall-e