Zombie Apocafest 2008: Children, avert your eyes!

Zombie Apocafest 2008 just wrapped up at BrickCon, and I spent about an hour taking pictures.

Front and center in the display was Ryan Wood‘s beautiful watchtower:

Josh, Nannan, and I awarded “Best Zombified Building” to Paul Hetherington‘s “Casa Baron”:

Paul’s building has a full interior, including comfy chairs and a working elevator. We loved the art deco details, many of which incorporate organic shapes:

The similarly unanimous choice for “Best Zombified Vehicle” was Andrew Lee‘s awesome truck:

In addition to the Zombie Defense Weapons Packs donated by BrickArms, the good people at Valve (the studio that brought us Half-Life and Portal) sent along a bunch of Left 4 Dead T-shirts and a great billboard:

Valve even invited a bunch of people to tour the Valve office on Friday night, where Lonnon Foster posed with Gordan Freeman (photo by Don Solo):

The LEGO zombie display wouldn’t have been possible without the organizational genius of LEGOLAND California model maker Gary McIntire — who even spent the plane ride up to Seattle creating custom zombie heads.

At least 35 participants contributed nearly 30 original buildings, dozens of vehicles, and hundreds of minifig zombies and survivors.

LEGO Certified Professional Dan Parker contributed a super-detailed mall, complete with a LEGO Store, baby store, Spencer’s Gifts, and food court:

Will there be a Zombie Apocafest 2009? Undoubtedly.

In the meantime, check out the full Zombie Apocafest 2008 photoset on Flickr.

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35 comments on “Zombie Apocafest 2008: Children, avert your eyes!

  1. Pingback: brickBoy « Bread Butter ‘n’ Rock&Roll

  2. RichardAM

    I was wondering who did the Left 4 Dead board, interesting to know that Valve sent you free stuff.

    Reason #523 why i’m annoyed I wasn’t able to attend. :(

  3. Peppermint Pig

    Excellent stuff. Thanks for reporting on these!

    Paul’s building is amazing! By the way, that building is technically Art-Nouveau architecture, and not Art Deco.

  4. Carter

    Will any of the Brothers Brick be coming to BrickFair09? If so, I’d love to help put on an east coast version of the Zombie Apocalypse. I don’t think I could pull it off on my own, as I only have 12 zombies :(

  5. Pingback: Zombie Apocafest 2008 - I am Jeriko

  6. Pingback: BrickCon 2008: Andrew’s wrap-up | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  7. Pingback: BrickCon Zombies

  8. Pingback: Vipers, ChiefLUG, the LEGO Zombie Apocafest, and Brickcon 2008 | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  9. Pingback: Counting down to BrickCon 2008 and the Zombie Apocafest | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  10. BrikHead

    I have a question. I know that brick con is over now, but for next year, To give you guys a building or somthing to put in your set can you be a teenager or do you have to be an AFOL

  11. Pingback: Next BrickFest to be held in Portland, Oregon March 26-29, 2009 [News] | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog

  12. Tony

    At the risk of sounding like a total n00b … where can I lay my hands on some zombie heads? Are they hidden on the Factory?


  13. Andrew Post author

    ^ Unfortunately, this head is from a troll in an older Harry Potter set that’s no longer available. I bought 80 of these from around the ‘net, which appears to have been the majority of the world’s supply (at least in bulk). Sorry! :(

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  15. Tina

    WOW! I am in awe of everything I see! I began building Legos again about five years ago after a 30-year break and I see there are SO many specialty pieces I don’t have. I like to design houses so I haven’t bought many specialty theme sets and I suppose that’s the only way to get these nice pieces. That shopping mall is terrific!!!

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