It seems that the new Trolls keep popping up everywhere. Sadly this one was hunted down, beheaded, and hung on a wall. Check out Troll’s Head Inn by MrTS
It seems that the new Trolls keep popping up everywhere. Sadly this one was hunted down, beheaded, and hung on a wall. Check out Troll’s Head Inn by MrTS
Wow… those are some tough troll-slayers! Even my hands-of-god can’t get their heads off!
Great build. @ Ryan: Maybe they didn’t take it off, maybe the rest of the troll is behind the wall…
I know that, I was joking– I know that the rest of the troll is behind the wall
poor clancy, poor poor clancy.
Another1 bites the dust and another1 down and another1 down another1 bites the dust