Dekotora by Nathan Proudlove

20+ years ago in Japan, my brother and I stared in amazement every time we saw a dekotora (from “decorated truck”). Of course, like their teamsters brethren here in the States, the Japanese truckers who drove these “art trucks” weren’t always the most savory of characters. Today, dekotora are apparently more popular than ever. There’s even a video game for Nintendo Wii.

Nathan Proudlove‘s entry for the LUGNuts Haulin’ Ass build challenge is an amazingly accurate LEGO rendition of these trucks from my childhood:

Like the trucks that inspired him, Nathan’s truck also looks great all lit up in the dark:

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2 comments on “Dekotora by Nathan Proudlove

  1. Ed T.

    very interesting and glow in the dark even, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a dekotora in real life, any chance of posting some pics of some real ones? very nice blog you have here.

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