Spider-pig, Spider-pig...

In response to our recent post about ImpreSariO’s movie posters, reader Craig sends word of his own set of LEGO movie posters.

My favorite is The Simpsons Movie, proving once again that simplicity is often the best policy — that’s one round tile and 40% of a minifig torso assembly.

Here’s Reservoir Dogs and an Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull teaser poster:

Finally, another favorite, Jaws:

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4 comments on “Spider-pig, Spider-pig...

  1. David

    That’s less than 40% of a minifig, it’s about 22%. You have the head, the two arms, two hands, torso, belt, and two legs. :D

  2. Pingback: blogdebrinquedo.com.br » Blog Archive » LEGO no Cinema!

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