Tag Archives: trophies

How the other half lives

These amazing brick-built trophies by Markus Rollbühler are for the winners of “The Rich and the Poor” category of the Brickscalibur castle-themed LEGO competition. What is so striking is the many layers entwined in these two figures. From a purely aesthetic approach you can marvel at the creative use of brown scarves for crumpled pant cuffs, the One Ring to accent the boots or the pearl gold beard plate for some dazzling epaulets. From a metaphorical perspective, appreciate the contrasts: the goat as a helper vs the goat as a pet. The gold coming from the land vs the gold coming from currency. Then notice what each man extends in their hand and think of what they are plotting. Whoa! Sorry to get so deep there but I can’t help it with such a great build. 

Brickscalibur 2021 Trophy: The Rich and The Poor