Tag Archives: Narnia

Some journeys take us far from home

And some adventures lead us to our destiny. Dwalin Forkbeard built the iconic wardrobe from the Chronicles of Narnia that leads to the magical land of Narnia. Though the professor’s home on the back side of this build could use some more furniture and maybe a rug, I’m in love with the Narnia scene and the wardrobe itself. The snowy landscape and those coniferous trees are stunning and the new LEGO satyr makes for a perfect Mr. Tumnus.


Dwalin captured a beautiful, out-of-focus-foreground photo of the wardrobe and beyond, presumably depicting the Pevensie children’s first glimpse of Narnia. He also built an 8 by 8 vignette version of this build for a sweet contest over on Eurobricks where you can win an entire set of the new Series 15 Collectible Minifigures, including the Satyr and (everyone’s favorite) Left Shark! The contest ends on March 10th so there’s still time for you to follow Dwalin’s lead and submit an entry or two of your own!

Other side Vignette Narnia

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Cair Paravel

Paul Vermeesch makes his 4th appearance of 2013 on the Brother-Ship with this outstanding microscale castle creation. In the spirit of Paul’s economical style, I will keep my ramblings to a minimum and let you soak in all the micro greatness.

Cair Paravel Sketch Model

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Everyone needs a wardrobe

Books are pathways to other worlds, and far more readily available than a wardrobe opening to Narnia. Annie Corder gives us a way to have a bit of both with these lovely bookends.

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A Different Kind of Pop-Up Book.

Mr. Tumnus leaps off the ABS page in this striking model by Noah McClung, or Glory Forever as he is known on Flickr. Noah picked just the right wintery scene to make the most of the book as a foundation.

Narnia's Tumnus and the Lamppost

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The Bionicles of Narnia by E.H. Arpy

A man of many names, Bioniblogger Ean H. (aka Arpy , aka Patuara) recreates an iconic scene from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by using Bionicle pieces.

Although Lucy does look a little blue (hey, it’s cold in that wardrobe!), I think this works rather well — especially Mr. Tumnus.

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The Stone Table

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve taken pictures of the things I’ve built. Let’s just say events in the real world have proved somewhat more compelling than little plastic bricks. I’ve created a couple political cartoons inspired by recent events, but I’m debating whether or not to post them.

In the meantime, here’s something I put together over the weekend — a crucial scene from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe:

More importantly, though, I’ve added links to Bruce’s blog posts about what adult fans of LEGO can do to help with Katrina relief efforts. Specifically, the LEGO Company will match contributions. My employer won’t even do that for my coworkers, much less for our customers.

The Brothers Brick is funded by our readers and the community. Articles may include affiliate links, and when you purchase products from those links, TBB may earn a commission that helps support the site.

Canada and Narnia

Hurray! My BrickLink order just arrived, so now my collection of Studios Monsters is complete! Pics to follow this weekend.

In the meantime, I took pictures of all the Narnian minifigures I’ve created so far. Here’s the link:


(Oh, “Canada and Narnia” in the title because my BrickLink order was from Quebec. Great prices and cheap shipping. I’ll post a link to the store later.)

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The Treasure House

My favorite book in The Chronicles of Narnia has always been Prince Caspian. Since I couldn’t update my “Giant Steps” vignette this weekend, I built a vignette based on one of my favorite scenes from my favorite book. In this scene, the four Pevensey children discover the treasure house beneath the ruined castle Cair Paravel:


And a link to the whole gallery, once it’s been moderated.

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No BrickLink order...

For those of you just tuning in, BrickLink is a site where you can buy LEGO from thousands of people worldwide. What’s cool is that you can buy individual pieces as well as sets. For me, it’s a great way to get minifigs from sets I’ve missed or don’t plan on buying. I’ve recently ordered 1381 Vampire’s Crypt, Professor Mcgonagall from a fairly expensive Harry Potter set, and a couple other random minifigures.

Last weekend I ordered the Mad Scientist and Frankenstein’s Monster from 1382 Scary Laboratory, along with the Mummy minifig from 1383 Curse of the Pharoah. Ordering these three minifigs for around $7.00 saved me over $40.00 (assuming I could even find these discontinued sets for less than MSRP).

Well, I was really looking forward to getting this latest order this weekend (since they shipped airmail from eastern Canada on Monday), but there was no little package in the mailbox today. I’ll survive, I’m sure, but this means I won’t be updating my Puddleglum figure to use the head and hands from Frankenstein’s Monster. We watched two consecutive baseball games today (Red Sox vs. Angels and Mariners vs. Twins), so I was able to finish a really nice vignette of the Cair Paravel treasure house from Prince Caspian. Look for a post with a link tomorrow. In the meantime, I uploaded pictures of all the Narnian minifigures I’ve created so far:


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The Wardrobe

Lucy enters Narnia for the first time through a wardrobe in a spare room, “leaving the door open, of course, because she knew that it is very foolish to shut oneself into any wardrobe.”


(Click the thumbnails to see bigger pictures. Click here to see the gallery once it’s public.)

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Lantern Waste (with a bonus “Ferrari Knight”)

First up today, a new vignette I created over the weekend, based on a scene from C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (book one of the classic Chronicles of Narnia series):

Now aren’t you mad that M***B***s got the Narnia license for the upcoming movie? More Narnia creations to come soon.

And I couldn’t pass this next one up. “Ferrari Knights” by Brickshelf user nias:

Absolutely original. Absolutely hilarious.

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