Hot on the heels of LEGO versions of the cartoon cast of Futurama, Palixa and the Bricks now takes on another band of animated characters: Mike, Sully, and Boo from Disney’s Monsters Inc. The studs-out construction style is perfect for the two monsters, somehow managing to effectively evoke both Sully’s fur, and Mike’s leathery hide. I think the modelling of Sully’s face is spot-on, and I particularly like the Tauntaun horns gracing his head. Little Boo is just perfect peeking out from beneath her hard hat — a nice companion to the larger pair, and perfectly scaled for the teddy bear clutched in Sully’s paw. All we need now is Roz: “Watching. Always watching.”
Tag Archives: Monsters Inc
Would Mike Wazowski have depth perception problems?
I’ve always wondered about whether Mike from Monsters, Inc. would have problems depth perception and balance, since he only has a single huge eye. Maybe having a larger eye enables him to compensate. This build by Palixa And The Bricks features Mike Wazowski and Boo, two lovable characters from the movie Monsters, Inc. Mike is instantly recognisable with his handsome blue eye and white teeth (first introduced in the LEGO Mixels line back in 2014). And Boo, well, is playing peek-a-boo as she always does.