Tag Archives: Lache

Not quite the angel you might have been expecting

As this sinister-looking creature, known as Zeurel, looms over the countryside, it’s hard to imagine that this beast is actually deemed as an “angel.” Hailing from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, these angels are antagonistic creatures, causing chaos and destruction. Builder Lache has interpreted the original design in Lego form as an entry for this year’s Biocup. The wide spread of tentacles provides the model with a sense of mass and power. The use of a large inversed tyre creates a bulbous form around its short but significant head. Penetrating eyes peer through the slits in a Bionicle mask which creates the puppet-like face. But the most impressive use of pieces has to be in the green landscape at the bottom of the build. It’s cleverly made up of various Bionicle parts such as Piraka feet pieces.

If you love Evangelion you can check more articles, on builds from the anime, here.

Even Bionicles need to fish!

This fun build by Lache takes us back to the days of LEGO Bionicle with this upgraded version of a Matoran villager. Through the use of bright yellows and soft blues, the model has been provided with a striking colour scheme. A classic mask forms part of the torso on each side with Lache making good use of the open section in the mask. The thick rubber boots of the model have been created by inversing tyre parts which complete the fisher aesthetic. The bucket is a nice simple build with some familiar squid projectiles from the Barraki line. This is one that makes me want to fish out my Bionicles and make a village of Matoran. It’s easy to imagine this colourful character working down at the docks of a town and fishing out on a vast ocean.

Kai the Angler