Tag Archives: Jonathan Farrell

Does this LEGO mosaic fill you with a sense of Euphoria?

When it comes to building huge real-world mosaics, Jonathan Farrell is among the pros. His latest offering is a picture perfect rendition of Rue from Euphoria, as portrayed by Zendaya. Jonathan found building her hair particularly tedious, and that slog almost led to him abandoning this mosaic altogether. But he pushed through, and now we can enjoy the results. Good thing he took pictures…as he’s since reclaimed all this brick to use in his next project!

If you’re curious about how the artist goes about creating (and demolishing) these images, check out our interview with LEGO mosaic artist Jonathan Farrell!

Building Big, Building Bold – An interview with Jonathan Farrell [Feature]

There are a lot of different ways to approach building mosaics in LEGO, and each artist tends to make a claim on their own style. Sometimes that means “massive brick-built images”. In that theme, a clear standout is Jonathan Farrell. We had the opportunity to sit down (virtually) with Jonathan and talk about his methods, his favorite builds, and just what happens to a mosaic that fills a room once you’ve photographed it!

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