Tag Archives: iPod

MiniMi – A new LEGO minifig app


I was invited to try out the new minifig app, MiniMi, while it was still in beta. It is a fun, novelty app and I actually spent quite a bit of time trying different comibinations of figures, making myself, my family members and what-not. My kids absolutely loved it. Overall, it is well made and pretty intuitive to use. It’s an entertaining app, in and of itself. Also it is free to download, which is nice. There are also expansion packs, such as Space and Castle (yay!), which cost 99 cents each.

However, I think this app has the potential to really shine as a customizing tool. How so? Because it has the only minifig face generator of which I am aware (feel free to correct me in the comments if I am wrong). Switching hair, hats, torsos and colors in the app is pretty straightforward but the face generator is something unique. You can choose from a selection of eyes, eyebrows, mouths, facial hair, glasses and so forth to create unique faces that don’t actually exist on official minifigs. Because the app has built in share functions, you can export your fig image…isolate the face…resize and print it on decal or sticker paper.

Currently the number of elements in the app is limited but the expansion “packs” remedy this somewhat and the team is planning more. If they expand the library of facial elements, I think this app could be something really special. I would also like to see a feature added to where the user could resize and/or change the colors of the various facial features but this may come with time.

Download it here.

Who needs LEGO electronics when you can build your own?

The MP3 Player, CD Boombox, Digital Camera, and other devices LEGO has licensed Digital Blue to manufacture may be out in stores now, but we all know they’re not “real” LEGO. If you want electronics built from actual LEGO bricks, you’ll have to make your own.

Well, that’s exactly what John Park over at Make Online has done, building his own wall-mounted charging station that handles an iPod and a cellphone, along with hooks for two pairs of keys.

LEGO recharger

Click the pic to read exactly how John built his recharger.

Meanwhile, Andy Lunn has built an ingenious flip light from LEDs and LEGO. Watch the video here, and read his instructions on how to build your own LEGO flip light:

Pepa Quin’s LEGO iPod Racer, powered by Mac Mini

Matt De Lanoy (Pepa Quin) combines three of the world’s most popular brands — Star Wars, Apple, and LEGO — in a mashup that is sure to be a strong contender in the FBTB Podracer Challenge.

Those earbuds are brilliant.

Apple iPod + R2-D2 = r2unes

Oh yes. There are many trifectas, but this is certainly one of them. When Mike “Count Blockula” Crowley combines Apple + LEGO + Star Wars, you get 100% awesome.

LEGO iPod Dock by minialger

Flickr user minialger just posted a totally sweet iPod dock (complete with step-by-step building instructions):